Phone: 931-438-3158


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. in Agriculture from Tennessee Technological University. MED in Curriculum & Instruction/ Educational Leadership from Middle Tennessee State University.

Mrs. Fritz

Hey tigers! We are looking forward to a great year here at FHS. I cannot wait to see you all in class soon.

This is my third year at Fayetteville High School, and my fourth year as an agricultural sciences teacher. I am a life-long learner devoted to teaching you about the agriculture industry and the opportunities for you. 

FFA is a huge component of our agriculture department. If you are currently enrolled in one of my classes, you are an official FFA member! Thank you, Tennessee FFA for affilitating our state assosication so that no student may be left out of participating in the FFA. FFA events and competition dates can be found on our calendar to the left of this page.

All of your assignments can be found on your class's Google Classroom. 

If you have any questions about a class or the Fayetteville City FFA chapter, you can find my email on this page.