Phone: 9314333158


Degrees and Certifications:

BS degree in Kinesiology (Mississippi State) MS degree in Kinesiology (MTSU)

Melissa Good

My name is Coach Good and I have been an employee of the Fayetteville City School system since 2007. I was the health coordinator for several years, followed by teaching elementary PE at Ralph Askins. I currently teach Wellness/Physical Education, coach girl's soccer and softball, and serve as the Transportation Director. I am married, have three children, and have too many animals to name. I love my job and look forward to my students each year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

  • Lifetime Wellness/ Physical Education


    Coach Good/Coach Johnson




    Course Description

    Lifetime Wellness is a holistic approach to health and lifetime physical activities in Tennessee high schools. This approach to total wellness encompasses the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the individual. Each content area is addressed in a classroom and/or physical activity setting. Personal fitness and nutrition should be emphasized and integrated throughout the course. Students are provided opportunities to explore how content areas are interrelated. Students acquire knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being throughout their lifetime.

    The content of this course includes seven standards:

    1. Disease Prevention and Control
    2. Nutrition
    3.  Substance Use and Abuse
    4. Mental/Emotional/Social Health
    5. Sexuality and Family Life
    6. Safety and First Aid 
    7. Personal Fitness

    Required Materials

      • Books (will be provided to you in class)
      • 3-Ring binder with pockets (1in wide)
      • Pencil and/or pen
      • Gym clothes (shorts to be appropriate length, t-shirt, and tennis shoes – NO flip flops or boots)


    • If a student does not have appropriate clothing that day, he/she will not participate and will have a points taken off their participation grade for every day they do not participate.


     Class Procedures

    1. Must be to class on time!
    2. Do not speak when someone else is speaking. Be respectful!
    3. Be respectful to others with your speech and behavior.
    4. NO FOOD or DRINK is allowed in the locker room/gymnasium/weight room. Bottled water is allowed.
    5. No one will be permitted to enter the dressing room after class has started.
    6. If valuables cannot be locked, please give all valuables to instructor for proper storage.
    7. No one will be permitted to go to their vehicle or hall locker to retrieve dress out clothes.
    8. Dress out clothes should be washed daily to prevent health issues.
    9. A written note from parent/doctor MUST accompany student the same day student is not dressed out due to medical/physical problems.
    10. Consequences will be issued upon the circumstance.


    • Grades are based on a point scale





    F………………………….Below 70 (Failure)

    • Class participation will count for the majority of the student’s final grade
    • The student will also be responsible for keeping a notebook containing all classroom materials given during class.





    Exams will be given in class and a review will be provided the class period before the day of the exam. Also, there will be opportunities for extra credit which will be announced during class.

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