Transportation Policies & Procedures
Bus Conduct
The school bus is an extension of the school and a privilege; therefore, students shall conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior. Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on the bus, and all reasonable directions shall be followed.
The principal/designee of the student transported shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary. A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if the principal/designee determines that the behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus or if s/he disobeys state or local rules pertaining to transportation. The Director of Transportation may issue disciplinary consequences for any conduct that impedes the safe operation of a school bus.
Any student who gets off the bus at any point between the pick-up point and the school must present the bus driver with a note of authorization from the parent and signed by the principal/designee of the school that the student attends. Any student wishing to ride a bus other than his/her designated bus must have written permission from the parent and approval of the principal/designee.
Bus Rules
Safe and dependable pupil transportation requires constant team effort from all those involved in the process. These rules are designed to describe for students and parents the behaviors, which will result in a safe and satisfactory school bus trip. It is of great concern to all of us that each child is safe every day. Teachers are requested to spend sufficient time during the school day to see that all pupils are thoroughly familiar with the school bus safety rules listed below. It is expected that students be at the bus stop prepared to catch the school bus ten (10) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive and note that the child may get picked up ten (10) minutes after the buses normal scheduled pick-up time.
- ON TIME -- In order that drivers may meet their schedules, students must be at the proper location for boarding the bus on time. Running to the bus presents added danger.
- WAITING -- All students must stay well clear of traffic lanes while waiting for the bus. Running, fighting, or shoving must not be allowed. The lives and safety of students depends upon good order at this time.
- COURTEOUS -- Each student who rides a school bus is expected to demonstrate a courteous and cooperative manner to all personnel.
- GOOD ORDER -- Students must maintain reasonable order so that the driver may be alert for any traffic hazards, signals, or emergency vehicles.
- REMAIN SEATED -- All students are to be seated and remain seated for the entirety of the trip. The driver may assign any or all students to certain seats as they seek to operation the school bus in a safe manner and students are expected to comply to all directives from the driver and/or attendant.
- PROPER DESTINATION – Students must ride to their proper destination. To get off elsewhere, the student will give the driver a dated note signed by the parent and the principal.
- NO SMOKING -- Smoking, eating, drinking, or profanity are prohibited on the bus.
- KEEP INSIDE -- No students are to put their head, hands, or arms outside the bus window.
- GETTING OFF -- If students must cross the road after getting off the bus; they shall walk across approximately twelve (12) feet in front of the bus. Make sure traffic has stopped in both directions and then cross upon a signal from the driver.
- STAY CLEAR -- Students must never play about the bus either when getting on or off. Pushing, kicking, horseplaying or slapping at or near the bus can be extremely dangerous.
- ELIGIBILITY -- A student shall become ineligible for transportation when their behavior is such as to cause dissension on a school bus, or when they disobey state or local rules and regulations pertaining to and/or impeding the safe operation of a school bus.
- RESPONSIBILITY -- It is the personal responsibility of the student and his parents to maintain eligibility to ride the bus.
- PAY FOR DAMAGE – Students who are known to inflict damages to the bus will pay the cost of repairs. This may be part of the principal’s disciplinary action.
- PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE -- The principal of the school which the student attends oversee student’s behavior on the bus just as in the classroom. Drivers and/or attendants will report to the principal students who need correction. The Director of Transportation may issue disciplinary action for any conduct that directly impacts the safe operation of a school bus.
- PUNISHMENT -- The principal of the school will administer punishment for bad behavior as required. This punishment may include suspension form school. When suspended from the bus, a student is suspended from all buses.
- RAILROAD CROSSING -- Students must reduce the noise level and assist the driver in listening and looking in order for a safe crossing.
- PARENT RESPONSIBILITY AT BUS STOPS: Although we are committed to the safety of students on the bus and at the bus stop, there are situations that require your assistance and participation in order to ensure the safety of your children when walking to and from the bus stop. Sometimes, children can be exposed to a dangerous situation because of their own or others' behavior. Students are under the control of their parents/guardians during the time they walk to and from the bus stop. Unsafe bus stops are evaluated by the Transportation Director before bus routes are modified. Please note that students must be at the bus stop if they wish to ride the bus. (Standing at the house, on the porch, or inside will result in your student not having a way to school). Drivers are instructed not to blow horns for students/parents not at the stop due to HOA rules and regulations around the district. Drivers are not required to wait until a parent is present when dropping off or picking up students.
- Cell Phones- Students may possess cellular phones/tablets/laptops, so long as such devices are used in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner while on the bus. At no time shall a student operate a cellular device with video or picture taking capabilities in a locker room, classroom, bathroom, school bus, or other location where such operation may violate the privacy rights of another person. Students may use the personal communication devices to listen to music, work on homework, or watch/play games/movies that are age appropriate and do not violate student code of conduct. Note: If listening to music or watching a video/game the student must listen with one ear bud in their ear and the other ear bud out in order for the student to hear any instructions provided by the driver/attendant. Students are expected to be respectful with cellular phones/tablets. Otherwise, the phones/tablets will be confiscated by the driver/attendant and will be given back to the student at the end of the route. Drivers may return the phone to the local school administrator if they deem that the use of said device was in clear violation of student code of conduct standards. If the cell phone/tablet is confiscated there will be disciplinary action for the student.
NOTE: This list is not all inclusive and parents are encouraged to review the student handbook for additional safety expectations and consequences associated with violation of expectations.
Reporting Unsafe Operation of a School Bus
If you observe a Fayetteville City School Bus being operated in an unsafe manner, please report unsafe behavior to the Director of Transportation by calling 931-433-5542.
Policy 3.400 Student Transportation Management
Policy 3.401 Scheduling and Routing
Policy 3.402 Special Use of School Vehicles